Vi presento un trio di bambole che mi sta particolarmente a cuore: si tratta di una coppia di bebè neri davvero fantastici, sono gemelli (maschietto e femminuccia) ed hanno il viso sagomato a somiglianza di bambole tedesche in biscuit ed occhi in vetro! Manifattura sconosciuta. Al centro invece una bimba prodotta dalla ditta francese Raynal, con capelli in mohair biondi e soffici, occhi dipinti, bocca aperta con piccoli denti in mostra, e mani in celluloide. Abito recente in pannolenci.
You can see three fantastic baby dolls: a couple of balck skin twins with moulded heads (they looks like German bisque dolls) and glass inset eyes, and in the center a French bebè made by Raynal, quite difficult to find, with painted side glancing eyes, open mouth showing teeth, soft mohair curly hair, and celluloid hands. Felt outfit not original but appropriate.
You can see three fantastic baby dolls: a couple of balck skin twins with moulded heads (they looks like German bisque dolls) and glass inset eyes, and in the center a French bebè made by Raynal, quite difficult to find, with painted side glancing eyes, open mouth showing teeth, soft mohair curly hair, and celluloid hands. Felt outfit not original but appropriate.